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Cathedral Treasures - Ripon Cathedral

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Hidden Treasures

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Cathedral’s History

The cathedral’s collection of ancient artefacts includes a variety of intriguing objects and architectural pieces as well as some significant historical manuscripts.

With the support of the Brotherton Library and funding from National Lottery Heritage Fund, these manuscripts have been digitised in order for us to share with you online today.

Digitising the Library Collection

An important part of the cathedral’s heritage is its collection of medieval and early modern texts. Originally collected by the second Dean of Ripon, Anthony Higgin, the library collection contains artefacts which exemplify the breadth of human knowledge. Written in different languages across a range of topics, this collection showcases the richness of culture and heritage which has always been at the heart of Ripon Cathedral.   

These valuable texts are housed in the Brotherton Library in Leeds for preservation and accessibility. Now, with advances in technology, large sections of this collection have been made more readily available. A Digital Volunteering project, supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, explores the cathedral’s collections digitally, showcasing the intricate beauty of medieval manuscripts and their relevance to our faith today.

Made possible with support from:

University of Leeds
Heritage Fund Logo

Ripon Book of Hours

Ripon Book of Hours Ripon Cathedral Library Ripon Cathedral’s medieval library was dispersed during Henry VIII’s…

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