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Ripon Cathedral Renewed - Ripon Cathedral

ripon cathedral


creating a 21st century


‘…the opportunity to place Ripon Cathedral on a sustainable financial footing is a significant public benefit… this should be considered alongside other public benefits such as the sustaining of the Ripon choral tradition, the attraction of visitors to the cathedral and city, and the provision of community facilities.’

Historic England

A New Garden for Ripon:
42% increase in green space, more trees and greater biodiversity

RCR - new green landscaped gardens

your questions answered

Ripon Cathedral Renewed

Providing 21st century facilities is not only essential but will also help to attract more visitors to the cathedral and thereby to the city.

The booklet aims to answer the common questions and signposts to more detailed information on the NYC planning portal.

Ripon Cathedral Renewed

For Cathedral and For City

Ripon Cathedral Renewed - the highlighted needs
Ripon Cathedral Renewed - the highlighted benefits for the city
Current view of Ripon Cathedral

A view of the current cathedral area

CGI view of Ripon Cathedral

CGI of the proposed development

You Questions Answered

Application ref: 22/04808/FULMAJ


You can still send us your comments and feedback via the email link above. Additionally, for all RCR related questions and media enquiries please email the RCR Comms Group. 

creating a cathedral city

For the 21st Century

Guy Wilson, Chair of the FAC explains how new facilities will stop damage to the cathedral and help safeguard its future.
Director of Music, Dr Ronny Krippner explains why we need a safe space in which our 60+ choristers can rehearse and why this must be close to the cathedral.
Executive Headteacher Victoria Kirkman speaks about the facilities needed for educational visits to Ripon Cathedral.
Dean John explains how our proposed development will benefit all.
Fiona Pearman – Churchwarden speaks about the lack of vital facilities that are expected in a 21st century building.



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