The Creation of The Ripon Cathedral Growth Committee

An historic development under the Cathedrals Measure

Signed into law in 2021, the Cathedrals Measure necessitates some change for us here at Ripon.  One of these changes relates to our PCC (Parochial Church Council) – we are the only cathedral in the country with a PCC. Over the years it has done so much good work in coordinating much of the ministry offered by the members of the congregations. However, the Measure requires us to be aligned with all other cathedrals by dissolving this council. Whilst there is no requirement to replace it, the Ripon Cathedral Chapter values the input the PCC has brought, acting as an interface with the various cathedral groups and congregations, giving another channel for voice of the congregations to be heard within the cathedral and being a coordinator of mission and ministry.

What will we be doing going forward?

At the annual meeting on 22nd May, a new Chapter committee – The Growth Committee – will be established, drawing people from within the congregations to work together on behalf of the cathedral specifically supporting mission and growth. Our hope is that this committee will provide a connection between the work of Chapter and the people who participate in cathedral life.  This new committee will be a working group made up of 15 people, most of whom are elected from within the cathedral.  The remit of this committee is to:

  • work on the cathedral’s growth plans within its vision strategy, Growing God’s Kingdom, supporting the implementation of some of our key missional activities in the local community
  • find ways to enhance and improve the experience of being a member of our congregations and groups, for example through the organisation of social events
  • support the effective communication of information from Chapter to our congregations.

The intention is that each person on the committee will have an area of interest that they will focus on for the good of the whole cathedral and its mission.  For example, some might focus on supporting the work of C3, others might be connected with our Children’s and Young People’s work.

What would we like you to do?

This year’s annual meeting takes place on Monday, 22nd May, at 7.15pm in the cathedral. It will include reports on the encouraging developments within the cathedral’s life over the last year, as well as elections of the Growth Committee members. It will be followed by celebratory drinks and refreshments. You are welcome to attend.

Our hope is that some of the existing PCC members will stand to be part of the Growth Committee, but we are keen to have some new people join, bringing new ideas and energy.  We would like you to consider standing to be a member. If you would like to find out more, please speak to Canon Claire, our churchwardens – Richard Knockton and Fiona Pearman, or the PCC Secretary, Sarah Hobbs, or Dean John. For a nomination form, please email Victoria Richardson at or obtain one from the cathedral (available on the Parish Noticeboard)