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Festal Evensong - The Feast of St Michael & All Angels - Ripon Cathedral
Home Events - Ripon Cathedral Regular Services Special Services Festal Evensong – The Feast of St Michael & All Angels

Festal Evensong – The Feast of St Michael & All Angels

A Festal Evensong to celebrate the Feast of St Michael and All Angels in the quire with the cathedral’s choir. The service will be followed by the official launch of Ripon Cathedral Choir Christmas CD.

The choir’s history can be traced back to the time of St Wilfrid, who first introduced singers from Canterbury to Ripon. This tradition continues today with a strong back-row of adult voices and two thriving choirs of girls and boys.

Why is this date important…

Michael, Gabriel and Raphael are the three named biblical angels, depicted as the belovèd messengers of God. Michael, which means ‘who is like God?’, is described as protector of Israel and leader of the armies of God and is perhaps best known as the slayer of the dragon in the Revelation to John. He is thus regarded as the protector of Christians from the devil, particularly those at the hour of death. A basilica near Rome was dedicated in the fifth century in honour of Michael on 30 September, beginning with celebrations on the eve of that day, and 29 September is now kept in honour of Michael and all Angels throughout the western Church.

See the Music and Service List


29 Sep 2024


3:30 pm - 4:30 pm


Ripon Cathedral

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